Updated the "neurotechnologies" link, to a video at the Modern War Institute of West Point, from Dr. James Giordano, titled "The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future": https://youtu.be/N02SK9yd60s

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Updated Bitcoin donation address, to a hot wallet that I've thoroughly tested:


To make the OpenV2K project happen NOW, realistically, I'd need about $300k USD or ~4.8 Bitcoin:

1. $250k for a developer: https://www.gofundme.com/f/grc-pulse-modulating-rf-with-audio-waveforms

a. Backup plan is I develop this Python module, so I propose funding, because that'd take years.

2. $50k remaining is ample funding for used RF equipment, SDR, waveguide antenna, and taxes:

a. Horn Waveguide, $660: https://www.ebay.com/itm/315053407427

b. 23cm 600W Amplifier, $710 (+$150 for PSU): https://w6pql.com/parts_i_can_provide.htm#23cm

c. HackRF One, $350: https://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/one/

d. First 23cm pre-amp, $???: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=1300mhz+amplifier

dd. Another 23cm pre-amp, $???: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=%2223cm%22+amplifier

ddd. Kuhne 1200 Watt 1.296 GHz Amplifier instead, $3k: https://www.ebay.com/itm/17643257877

e. Coax cables, $50 total: SMA to SMA, SMA to Type-N, Type-N to Type-N

f. Carbon-impregnated absorber tiles, $???: https://www.tdkrfsolutions.tdk.com/products/absorbers

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Added this blurb about the rat infestation I moved-in to, in Aug 2017:

I arrived to a house filled with an extremely strong urine smell. My boomers were acting like space cadets, and could not remember the day before. I had to insist they clean up the hazmat situation, versus breathing ammonia, from a very active rat infestation. I spent lots of time in the open garage, disabled the central ventilation, and vented the bedrooms with a sealed-in box fan, until cleanup was completed.

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Updated the links that pointed to Kolektiva.social, as their moderators are fascist enabling clowns.

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Added sourced quote, to the Vircator paragraph: No, you wouldn’t feel one burning you, as "the radiofrequency hearing effect depends on an energy dose three orders of magnitude below the threshold of detectable warming".

Links to this Don Justesen paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1807730/?page=5

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From Substack post analytics, I can see that very few are even clicking on any of the embedded links, while acting like their opinion is sacred anyway. So that's revealing, about our sick, sad society.

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Doing some minor formatting tweaks, and linking to Torvalds' Wikipedia page, because I now think the average reader is too fucking stupid to know who that is, instantly, off the top of their head.

I wouldn't want any unprepared readers to hurt themselves with their own confusion.

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Added this blurb at the top today, because the herp derp is still strong amongst the populace.

All I need from you, as the reader, is to share this with friends and family.

When this reaches enough donors, this project will be demonstrable, and that will prevent continued suffering, by stopping the popular gaslighting of, “you’re just crazy”.

I will not be dismissed with “same as it ever was” attitudes, because this writing is an engineering affront, to braying assmuptions of psychosis. While those assumptions currently stand in the way of funding this project, they are a paradox, soon buried. They’ll have nothing of value to say, in the face of undeniable science, on a stage.

Every underlined phrase in this writing is a hyperlink, which I expect the reader to, at minimum, hover over, or click on, for concepts or acronyms they do not understand.

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Still seeking and open to feedback, from folks that are not mewling imbeciles, who cannot cope.

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Updated the pronouns section, and added a blurb in italics, at the end of the timeline.

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Added paragraph about neighborhood warfare, with big budget additions.

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Made more tweaks, added laminated QR code picture, and a new persistence of vision analogy.

Also this needed a black and white They Live screengrab integrated. Bam.

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Did anyone expect me to come back at the system, with a smile on my face, after all that abuse? So just the LDS breeder robots, that no one cares about anyway, due to their toxic positivity? Oh good.

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Made a few more tweaks today, two with relevant GoT moments

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Adding functional cryptocurrency funding links later

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Timeline updates, Matthews artwork now inline, FAQ tweaks

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